Victor Darmont is a photographer based in Antwerp, Belgium (°1994 BE)
“From my inner feeling I capture the moment and through the use of analogue photography the experience gives birth to my intention.”
His work takes shape in small editions printed
on grainy mat off-white artist paper.


Victor dreams of a world where simplicity, purity, nature and tranquility gain ground against a controlled world where power, consumption and manipulation rob us of our freedom and unique individuality.


Victor shows how he experiences the current reality and globalization as an illusion. There is another reality that feels more true and real to him and which, as it were, grows from his individual subconscious.






Exposure to fewer stimuli of today’s busy world gives him more inner peace while deepening and consciously slowing down ensures less nuisance from the outside world. More "being" and "experiencing"
and less "having or wanting".
The feeling that is conveyed to the viewer is more important than the message and everyone is free to form their own opinion, according to Victor.
He would like to take you along in his quest and, if possible, to dwell on his fascinations for a minute.
All photographs are available
printed on high quality fine art paper
210 gr
60 x 40 cm
editions of 5
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pick your photo number
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Do not hesitate to contact us
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︎rené darmont - all rights reserved - 2025